Gephyromantis asper East Betsileo Grainy Frog
Anjozorobe-Angavo Protected Area, Analamanga region, MadagascarApril 22, 2023
East Betsileo Grainy Frog (Gephyromantis asper) East Betsileo Grainy Frog (Gephyromantis asper) East Betsileo Grainy Frog (Gephyromantis asper)
With their outlines broken up by light and dark blotches, these frogs have excellent camouflage in the leaf litter. I think in all three of these cases, we noticed the frog only because it jumped. These three are in order of increasing size/age, from a tiny little froglet to a full-sized adult.

Here is a list of all the reptiles and frogs I saw on this 2023 trip to Madagascar.

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