Ranoidea caerulea
Green Treefrog
Also known as:
Whites Treefrog, Dumpy Treefrog

Though this is one of the more common frogs in northeast Queensland, I only managed to come across this one individual in a puddle at the side of the road near a sugar cane field. It was not interested in posing for me, and as the night was drizzly and the lights in the nearby farmhouses were coming on in apparent concern over our car's presence, I got only this one lousy photo before moving on.
Here is a complete list of the reptiles and frogs I saw on this trip to Australia.

After a night of finding various cool herps on the road, this blobby frog was waiting for us back at the funky Batchelor Butterfly Farm where we were staying.
Ive written up an account of this three-week trip to Australia here.
Printed references:
- Barker, J., Grigg, G. C., Tyler, M. J. 1995. A Field Guide to Australian Frogs
- Cogger, H. G. 2014. Reptiles & Amphibians of Australia, Seventh Edition
- Hoser, R. T. 1989. Australian Reptiles & Frogs