Morethia lineoocellata Pale-flecked Snake-eyed Skink
Also known as:
Western Pale-flecked Morethia, Sandhill Skink, Spotted Morethia
Rottnest Island, Western Australia, AustraliaNovember 7, 2005
Pale-flecked Snake-eyed Skink (Morethia lineoocellata) Pale-flecked Snake-eyed Skink (Morethia lineoocellata)
These little skinks were common on the sand dunes of the beaches. They rarely ventured far from the ground-cover plants that clung to the dunes, and the first ten or so I tried to photograph managed to skitter out of sight before I could get a good photo. I eventually managed to catch one and then released it far from any vegetation, so it would pose in the sand. When we had finished taking photos, I encouraged it back towards its protective plant cover.

Here is a complete list of the reptiles and frogs I saw on this trip to Western Australia.

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