Morethia boulengeri Boulenger’s Snake-eyed Skink
Telowie Gorge Conservation Park, South Australia, AustraliaOctober 18, 2015
Boulenger’s Snake-eyed Skink (Morethia boulengeri)
This fairly generic little brown skink was tricky to photograph, because though it did not move quickly or far, it did move constantly. I gave up on getting a better photo than this after ten minutes, because I was looking for bigger game.
Hills Homestead Trail, Flinders Ranges National Park, South Australia, AustraliaOctober 19, 2015
Boulenger’s Snake-eyed Skink (Morethia boulengeri)
These skinks remind me of the official Little Brown Skink of North America.
Wangara Lookout Trail, Flinders Ranges National Park, South Australia, AustraliaOctober 19, 2015
Boulenger’s Snake-eyed Skink (Morethia boulengeri)
This skink seemed like a species other than M. boulengeri when I saw it on a rocky hillside. For one thing, it was motionless in plain sight for several minutes, and I never saw another M. boulengeri be still for that long. For another thing, it was up on a rock rather than scuttling around on the ground as all the others I saw were. Finally, it was a much darker shade of brown than the others. But the size, shape, and pattern were all good matches, and after consulting Cogger and Wilson and Swan, I couldn't find any other potential candidate species. So I'm calling it M. boulengeri, but please send me email if you know better.
Wilkawillina Gorge, Flinders Ranges National Park, South Australia, AustraliaOctober 20, 2015
Boulenger’s Snake-eyed Skink (Morethia boulengeri)
I saw a bunch of these skinks, though only got decent photos of a few of them. I'll throw in one more here, from the early part of a hike that ended in spectacular lizard beauty.
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