Pristimantis cerasinus Horn-nosed Robber Frog
Also known as:
Clay-colored Rain Frog, Limon Robber Frog
Rio Guayabo Trail, Cerro Gaital Natural Monument, El Valle de Antón, Coclé province, PanamaJanuary 9, 2014
Horn-nosed Robber Frog (Pristimantis cerasinus) Horn-nosed Robber Frog (Pristimantis cerasinus)
This bumpy little frog hopped across the trail in front of Lorrie Smith and me. At first I assumed it was the same species as a small brown frog we had seen a few minutes earlier next to a stream, but a closer look revealed that this one looked quite different. Digging through various references for the area, the best match I could find was Pristimantis cerasinus (tuberculate skin, W-shaped ridge across neck/shoulders, visible spines on heels), but I am far from certain. Unfortunately I was testing out a new camera that doesn't do macro that well, so I didn't get any really good photos that could have helped with the ID.
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