Fejervarya cancrivora
Crab-eating Frog
Also known as:
Asian Brackish Frog, Mangrove Frog, Rice Field Frog

This medium-sized frog was sitting on the bank of a pond that was teeming with Sumatran Puddle Frogs and Schlegel’s Java Frogs, as well as several toads and probably several species I mixed. Frogs galore!
This species looks very similar to Fejervarya limnocharis, and both are widespread in this part of the world. However, F. cancrivora is considerably larger, and this was a reasonably big frog. Also, Frank Bambang Yuwono, a knowledgeable Indonesian herp guy, thought it was F. cancrivora from my photo.
Online references:
- Fejervarya cancrivora account on Frogs of Borneo
- Fejervarya cancrivora account on Amphibians & Reptiles of Peninsular Malaysia
- Fejervarya cancrivora account on Amphibian Species of the World
Printed references:
- Iskandar, D. T. 1998. The Amphibians of Java and Bali
- Manthey, U., Grossmann, W. 1997. Amphibien & Reptilien Südostasiens